It's 3:21 am and my thoughts are flying through my brain at a rapid pace. Blogging in the middle of the night seems to help. It's what I've been doing since I was fifteen.
My day was going so well until I came home to find that my mom had gotten rid of King.
We got King last year in August. We'd adopted him because I was planning on giving him to my ex boyfriend for his birthday. Well, my ex didn't want him. Or me as it turned out. So me and King became pretty quick pals. He wasn't the smartest dog on the block. In fact, he was just plain dumb. :) But I thought he was adorable. He wasn't my favorite dog either, we all know Sparks is my girl. King got like super duper attached to my mom. He would follow her around the house every where and he hated it when she left the house without him.
I got home today and my dad said, "Becki, notice anything missing?"
I said, "Where's King?"
And then my mom says, "I got rid of him."
I was livid. I didn't let anyone know, but I was so god damn pissed.
King is a stupid, big, black dog. He's adorable. He was at the humane society for like four months when we adopted him.
Nobody really wants to adopt black dogs anymore, it's really depressing.
I know he's going to be there for a long time again.
It's bad enough that when we adopted him he had separation issues.
My mom can be so heartless.
I just hope she knows that if she ever tried to get rid of Sparks, there would seriously be hell to pay.
I'm not so mad anymore.
Just sad and irritated.
I'm tired of my life becoming more and more complicated. I'm debating on becoming a hermit for awhile. At least when I was a hermit I knew what to expect.
I'm tired of my parents nagging me to get a job, go to school. I'm tired of them reminding me of how I disappoint them everyday because my dreams don't match up with theirs.
It hurts to feel like a loser and a failure.
I can't seem to get him out of my head. And I'm scared. For one thing, being hurt again is NOT an option for me. And hurting other people is also not an option either. So it's scary. Why am I so god damn scared of everything?
I imagine what I want my future to look like. We're living together, arguing over what TV show we want to watch because I eventually get sick of watching the cooking channel. Getting a kiss when I wake up in the morning, even if I have morning breath. Having a food fight in the kitchen. Brushing our teeth together and making faces in the mirror. Holding hands at the grocery store. I want it so bad I almost physically ache.
But...there's a large part of me that keeps reminding me that happiness is impossible and I should just stop trying.
Poor King, hopefully someone will snap him up and give him the love he deserves.
ReplyDeleteHappiness is possible, never stop trying.
Get some sleep lady.