Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh Love

Warning: This blog is about a cheesy romantic relationship. If you would like to refrain from barfing, I suggest you not read this particular blog.

I wish I could have spent more time with him.
I was so close to falling for him completely. SO close. I didn't though. It's too scary for me. I'm still waiting for a letter from him. I understand that he hasn't written yet. First couple weeks of boot camp are crazy and insane. I never thought I would date someone like him. Look at him! He's a complete fucking nerd! Seriously!! He reads fantasy books, know more about Nine Inch Nails than anyone I know, he loves politics and watches Star Trek all the time and he's very smart. AND he's against all religion. I come from a Mormon family, although I wouldn't consider myself an all out Mormon. He HATES the Mormon religion! I, on the other hand, don't mind it at all. I don't agree with some of the teachings and what not, but I do enjoy other teachings. What the hell are we going to do if we have kids?! Jesus! Well I guess I shouldn't worry about that since he's gone and all. Call me a crazy girl, but we decided that when he gets back from boot camp, I'm going to pack up my stuff and move in with him when he goes to San Diego. Yeah I know, it's kind of a crazy plan but whatever. Don't judge me! Haha! I hope he still wants me when he gets back. I don't know why I'm so worried about it. It's not like he's going to meet a lot of girls at boot camp. Hahaha!
I miss:
Falling asleep on my side with my bare back against his bare chest.
Waking up to him poking my side and holding a cup of coffee for me.
Dancing to slow songs with him in his kitchen.
Our tickle wars.
Our inside jokes.
His constant giggling at stupid things.
Holding his hand in the car.
Watching Tool music videos with him.
His family.
Rolling my eyes when he would get a gulp of water straight from the faucet.
His delicious Bloody Mary's.
Watching Jim Carrey movies with him.
Listening to him play the guitar while I made a bracelet.
The way he would kiss the back of my neck when we were laying down.
Smoking cigarettes with him.
Making fun of him because he was picky.


  1. Hope you can survive the long distance thing! It sucks but we made it and here we are almost two years later.
