Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Frackkin Awesome

"Dearest Becki,
I MISS YOU!!! It's been a week and a half and I feel like I've been gone forever. I think about you every night and whenever I get a chance...."
Damn right. I got a letter from Joey. :D
Finally! I screamed when I walked in the front door and my mom was holding the letter. :D :D :D
Sounds like boot camp is kicking his ass!
Which it better well be! ;)
Ugh god damn but here's where the boy stress comes in!
Because Mr. Florida wants to fly me down there for Spring break. And he says he loves me, and Joey says he loves me...and I don't even think I'm fucking sane enough to be in any type of relationship anyways. Let's face it, I am hard to date. Not that I'm a bad girlfriend. I'm actually a fantastic girlfriend. The thing is, I'm an emotional freakazoid! So, GAH!
And people say being single is so great...well it's really not okay?! Jesus!
I usually do what never fails, following my heart and my instinct.
But what if I haven't given out my heart fully to anyone yet? Then how the hell am I supposed to follow it?
Anyways. I had therapy today. :]
Damn good session if I may say so myself. Besides, I've been feeling pretty good lately. Oh and I'm listening to this song called Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Yes, I know the band sucks, but this song is just...OH! Cutest love song ever. Just so you know. ;)
Oh and after my therapy me and my dad went to NPS and bought way too much junk food. It was awesome. Then we came home and watched American Idol and Ghost Whisperer. Both TV shows that I do not like at all. But I had junk food, so what do I care?! Haha. :D
And tomorrow I'm going to go look at a house with my mom. (She has this thing for houses for sale.) And then we're stopping at this food place thingie to volunteer. It helps feed people. Yay for Becki being awesome! Okay anyways. I'll stop babbling now. Bai!

1 comment:

  1. Don't go too fast. Contemplation is far superior to regret.
    Be blessed. And be a blessing to others.
