Wednesday, December 16, 2009

and this is just for kicks and giggles.

"Do you have the time?"

Plus. I'm bored.

Would you eat whipped cream on your pizza?

No. But I have on the turkey on Thanksgiving. It's actually good.

In the morning do you pick your eye boogers?
Of course. But I call them goobies. If I don't do that it's extremely uncomfortable.

Have you ever tasted your own blood?

Sure. Haha.

Are you sweating right now?
Not at all, it's freezing!

What were you doing at 3:00pm?

Peeing. Hahahaha!

Would you rather eat or sleep?
Eat. I hate sleep.

Last time you were in a cemetery?

Oh geez. When my grandma died, i think.

Do you like blue cheese?
Sometimes I guess.

When at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?

Once in awhile. I like pushing buttons!

How do you make your money?

I don't. :/

What is a compliment you receive often?

My creativity. Surprisingly.

Why did your last relationship end?

Who knows. It just wasn't working, I guess.

Where is the furthest place you've traveled?

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?

Neither. I look like my grandpa.

Can you speak any other language than English?

Rehab sign language?

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?

yes. I feel naked without it.

Are you scared of flying?

What jewelry do you wear all the time?
My bracelets.

Are you left handed?

I most certainly am not!

Do you own a gun?
A squirt gun.

Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?

Naaah. My doctor's a badass.

What do you think of hotdogs?

I'm allergic.

Favorite Christmas song?
Probably White Christmas. Or Rockin Around the Christmas Tree.

What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee. But I never get to.

How many push ups can you do?

I used to be able to do a hundred. Now I can barely do twenty.

Can you do a chin up?
Hell no!

Ever been in a car wreck?
Just a fender bender.

Do you own slippers?
No. :(

House in the middle of the woods, or condo in the middle of a big city?

Both? I can't decide!

What is your favorite state you've visited, but not lived in?
California, for sure.

Whats in your pocket?

A fifty cent coin. =D My daddy gave it to me.

Worst injury you've ever had?
Fracturing my foot in three places when I fell down a forty foot tunnel.

Does someone have a crush on you?

Who doesn't? BAHAHA!

What is your favorite candy?

Squeeze pops.

Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
1. I want a squeeze pop.

2. I love sims.

3. My momma's awake!

Name 3 things you bought this week:
1. A burger

2. Fries
3. Cigarettes

Name 3 drinks you drink regularly:


the best beverage in the world.

Name 3 of your favorite relatives:

1. I don't really have any.



Name 3 unusual things found in your purse or wallet:
1. Flossers

2. A Scooby Doo Toy

3. The Becki Bible

Yes, I have my own written bible.


  1. You are amusing and amazing.
    Love ya bunches.

  2. Re: whipped cream on turkey: I bet you dip your fries in Frosties?!! You bet I do!

  3. You better quit that will cause you to be run over by a tornado...
