Monday, October 24, 2011


Photo time?

[[I don't understand why Robert's shirt is always off.]]

[[I call her Potato cuz she looks like a potato. :)]]

[[Monkey Slut and I.]]

[[Sean and I went to the park. :)]]

[[I have colorful eyelids]]

So much has been going on with me. Holy Geez. I'm happy one day and then depressed the next, totally content for one hour and then super stressed for another. I mean, what the hell. Why do I have mood swings this bad?

Yesterday was a pretty good day. A really good day, actually. I couldn't sleep, so I stayed up watching X-men and playing video games. And I don't know about you, but I get fucking emotional when I watch X-men. JUDGE ME. Anyways, you know that part where Nightcrawler is talking to Storm about faith? And then at the end of the movie she says to Nightcrawler, "I have faith in you."? Well there I am, watching it, trying not to cry because I love Nightcrawler so much when my little sister comes upstairs. I ask her why she's going to work so early and she tells me, "'s Sunday. I'm going to church."
"Are you serious? It's Sunday? What time is it?"
She goes, "Oh, it's 8:30."
So then I call up Phil, my ex's dad and also my second dad. And i'm like, "LET'S GO TO CHURCH!"
And I haven't been to church in like...three months. But I figured since I was awake, it couldn't hurt. So Phil picks me up and when I show up to church, everyone seemed super surprised to see me, but super happy. Anyways, when Jacob got up to speak he said, "Today we're going to talk about Faith...." and I was just like djakdlf;jaskl;fjda;skljfsdkal WUT. And all I could think about was X-men. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

But then later that day, Adrianna and I hung out which was a good time, but all I can think about is how maybe this whole moving thing is a mistake. What if Adrianna and I make the worst roommates ever? What if I totally fucking fail? What if I'm not ready for this? UGH FUCK.

I'm tired all the time. These nightmares won't go away.

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