Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December

I'm sick. :/ Again.
My sinuses are so stuffed up I feel like my head is going to explode. :(

This new research on true love has got me thinking too much, probably. Now I'm doubtful and hopeful at the same time. Happy and sad at the same time...gah! So confusing.

And I just thought I'd share with you,
one of my favoritest bands of all times. haha. :D

1 comment:

  1. Would have emailed but couldn't find a link. Thanks for your recent compliment! Back in August, I had an entire month off of school/everything (hasn't happened since 07)and I wrote so much. I miss it. Been reading a lot of Albert Goldbarth and Mary Ruefle lately. Incredible poets! Albert is really abstract and scientific with his words and thoughts whereas Mary is even more metaphorical and relates so much of life to its smallest, most inconspicuous living things. Thanks so much for reading:)
