Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hey sugar lips, it's my birthday!
I'm nineteen and i don't feel any different.
Except i get treated all special today. :)

I don't even have an ID so i can buy cigarettes. Uh oh. Natalie's gonna read this and punch me in the face when she reads it. HAHA. Just kiddin. I had a headache, but the Motrin IB is kickin in. Gotta go, time to open presents. :)


  1. 19?
    Bless your heart.
    Happy Birthday bright-eyes.

  2. I wouldn't punch you! Not that I'd be happy about it. I'll give you high fives when you don't though!! Which means you can keep a tally of how many times you don't smoke when others do and I promise a high five for every time. lol.
