"Her fiance is SO UGLY."
"Your team."
"Fat Woman = nasty, enough said. She should be hit by a car though it would total the car."
"Ewwww gross, I like my women thin..."
"A 'real woman' is usually not overweight."
"As long as she's cute...."
"Trust me. If you got in an accident and your face got screwed up? I wouldn't be dating you."
"Go back to your nerd table."
"What makes you think i'd ever be interested in you?"
"You mean that girl that sits next to me in English? She's not very pretty is she?"
"God, she's so fat."
"They need to lay off the donuts, know what i'm sayin?"
"Haha. She's not very proportioned at all."
"She looks like she's been spending time in the bathroom puking after every meal."
"You're not my type. I like blondes."
"Why would you wanna even SEE that every day?"
"Meh. He's really weird looking anyways."
"She looks better in that dress than you do."
I've been through a lot growing up. I was never popular. Guys always thought i was a freak until like 9th grade. And trust me. I know what it's like to be considered 'ugly' by people around me, or just society. I'm sick of it. Those guys that will hit on me? Just because i look like a hot piece of ass? Go fuck a cactus. And the girls that cause drama? Just because they're jealous of the skinner girl? Shut your mouth. I'm getting so angry at our shallow society. What the hell is this world coming to anyways? Putting others through pain. Just so we can have a good laugh. It's sick and twisted.
ALTHOUGH. I just wanted to have like...a disclaimer. I have been at fault of saying some things that may have been similar to this before. I made a mistake. And i'm really sorry. I'm becoming a better person every day. Hopefully by voicing my opinion, i can make up for some of the things i said in my low state.

Society is pretty rotten. That's probably why I stay away from TV (which is the worst), and popular people who say things like that. Though define popular in that and they are not really "popular". The people I've only considered popular are the ones that are nice to everyone and would try to remember my name even though they barely knew me. They were good people and so I try to blot out the rest of society that bug the crap out of me. That's probably why I was so oblivious in high school. You're super cool though Becki and don't forget it. That kind of "popular" stinks and I'm glad you're far far above that crowd. :)