That 'break' didn't last very long with Eldon. he has a hard time going very long without me. Hahaha. But you know what? It's okay. We're still dating. He's just giving me some space like i need. At the same time...things are getting pretty serious between us. Like really.
As in...he's saving money for a proposal.
I told him! I'm not getting married until I'm at least twenty. I don't want to get married too young and then have it end in a nasty divorce. :( That would not be my idea of a dream come true, know what i mean? Still, it's pretty cute. I think so anyways. I'm such a ridiculous romantic, good lord! I should just satisfy my romantic ways with a trashy romance novel where the sex scenes talk about heaving bosoms and what not. Cuz there is no way I'm getting married any time soon. I also warned him that i want seven kids. So he's gonna have to be okay with big families. Hahaha! I do love him more than anything, someday hopefully we can tie the knot. :D
Haha. In this picture Eldon is sayin, "Hurry up! I gotta pee!"
My therapist said that I'm pretty much almost done with therapy. I'm kinda sad about it. What the hell am i gonna do?! Who am i gonna talk to when I'm freaking out? I always would just talk to Dave every week. And now....i dunno. I'm way to dependant on my therapist. Lol. I CAN'T HELP IT! He's just so badass!
"JESUS CHRIST"....amen!