Friday, April 6, 2012

Becki Bible Excerpts: March 2012

Photos from March:

I miss the red hair a little bit.

Fantastic Four/Future Foundation nails
Girls Night Out

These boots....yes.

Robert and I. I'm bein a fatty.

Franklin's booze.

That Sherry wants to consume.

Uh....our boobs.



The Thing and The Hulk


We're heterosexual life partners haha

Yeah...I don't know what Nick is doing.

City Creek Adventure.

I got this cupcake for Sherry.

Charles loves pringles.

Beer and documentaries.


Tea Time.

Mustache Bouquet. God, yes.

Shamrock shake. :)

Lady Gaga hair and suspenders.

March 3, 2012
Me: If I don't do my hair, it looks like a lion's mane.
Sherry: It's a good thing lions are so in this year.

March 6, 2012
Me: He has a pretty nice body.
Sherry: Yeah, if he flexes so hard that he accidentally takes a shit.

"Water skiing while you're driving isn't fun. It's scary." -Sherry

March 16, 2012
Me: I'm eating circus peanuts.
Jonathan: Are they from the circus?
Me: No, I got them from the store.
Jonathan: Then they're not circus peanuts. They're store peanuts.

March 12, 2012
Today is one of those days where I like being different. I don't mind at all. Sitting by myself on the bench, just writing away. Even while everyone gathers around the other bench. Joking and laughing. Sometimes they'll shoot a curious glance my way and I'll just smile. It's not like I'm a bitch or anything. I'm just different. And if someone took the time to get to know me, they wouldn't be disappointed. They might be surprised, but not in a bad way. I'm just not what people expect.

March 13, 2012
"Chocolate covered cocoa beans? That's like...a butter covered cow." -Jimmy

March 15, 2012
"I'm a busy hooker. Places to go, people to blow." -Sherry

March 17, 2012 -St. Patty's Day!
"He must have an enormous  schwanzchtuger!" -Sherry/Young Frankenstein

"Polar bear agrees." -Sherry

March 23, 2012
"I don't remember the last time I was grounded. My parents tried to ground me when I was 15, I think, but I would just leave and not listen to them. Few weeks later, they put me in rehab. Touche, parents. Well played." -Me

I'm gonna be DTF this summer. DOWN TO FISH.

March 28, 2012
"You ain't lived til you've owned a pedophile van." -Johnny

March 30, 2012
Me: Whenever I watch Attack of the Clones, I keep expecting Samuel L. Jackson to say, "I'm sick of these muthafuckin siths on my muthafuckin planet!"
Jonathan: He fucking should have. And whipped out his grape light saber and just started taking bitches out.
Me: Ohmygod. Did you just say grape light saber?

Me: I'm sure he's cute, but I can't tell. I'm not wearing my glasses so he's blurry.
Sherry: Every guy is cute blurry.

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