And a few others, sorry I didn't post all of you. I really dig these blogs, I just wanted to say thanks, guys. :)
Anyways, I promised I would tell you about the douche bag that turned out to be a non-douche bag, right? Here goes:

Anyways, I promised I would tell you about the douche bag that turned out to be a non-douche bag, right? Here goes:

[[My party outfittt!!]]
So the night after the bowling alley adventure, RobertBFF and I are going to go to this party. This really awesome girl invited me because the party is a birthday party for her friend, and her friend is a suuuuper amazing photographer. Anyways. I'm super excited for this night to go down and I climb into the backseat of Preston's camero and RobertBFF is sitting shotgun. I'm excited. Super stoked. It's going to be a fun night. Then RobertBFF says,"Oh we have to go pick up Derek." Fuck. Really? That guy that hit on me and who was soooo freaking cocky? Wow. This is going to suck. To make matters worse, Preston goes,"Yeah, I'm sorry it'll be a tight squeeze in the backseat because my car is small. So Derek will probably be all up in your kool-aid." (They know Derek is totally digging me.) FAAAACK AGAIN. But I'm thinking, you know what? It's cool, it's only a twenty minute drive or so. So we go pick him up and when he climbs into the back of the camero I instantly get pissed at myself for thinking he looks good. Becki doesn't do relationships, Becki doesn't get crushes unless it's on the certain someone that I fell for awhile ago. (No, I don't feel like going into that subject right now.) So he gives me that stupid cocky grin and I want to punch him right in his Lakers Fan Face. He goes, "Hey, Mary Jane." I hate him even MORE now. No, my name is not Mary Jane, but anybody who is anybody knows that I'm fucking in love with spiderman.'s a little ridiculous. Plus I have red hair. So he decides to call me Mary Jane which is super cute but at the same time super annoying. I just kind of give him that look that says, don't even try it, just get over yourself already.
We have to stop at the gas station because Preston is complaining that all he's eaten today is a jelly donut. Everyone but me gets out of the car. I'll stay right here, thanks. Now I don't even know if I want to drink tonight because Derek is here. Preston gets himself some food and when Derek climbs back into the car he's carrying a Rockstar and what looks like...wait a second you're fucking kidding me. Are those condoms?! And now I'm getting really ticked off inside. I just stare outside the window to ignore his flirtatious glances.
We pull up to the apartment and everyone is reeeaaaddy to party. Except me. I'm thinking I might just hang out with Alex, (she's a sweetheart) and ignore men forever and ever. I climb out of the car first and then Derek. When he gets out, one of the square packages falls out of his lap onto the pavement. I pretend I didn't see it so then I don't bring this situation into an awkward conversation. But Preston goes, "Hey dude, you gonna pick that up?" Derek goes, "Ah, no it's garbage." Wait. Garbage? Wtf? It's not like he used a condom in the car!! And I look on the ground and realize that it's some kind of protein shake powder or something of that effect. Of course, I scold myself. Those weren't condoms! I'm such a fucking idiot! I'm sooo glad I didn't say anything though. That would have been fucking beyond awkward. It's just a protein powder that he mixed with his rockstar. God damn it I'm an idiot.
Now, I'm not like bitchy or anything. I decide that I'm going to have a good night no matter what. And if Derek tries anything with me, I can always sock him in the face. Or have Robert regulate, or have Preston regulate. Or even Alex! I got friends that have my back! :)
We go inside, introductions to everyone is made...and the drinking commences.
I took a shot of Captain Morgan and felt like someone had straight up kicked me in the chest so I made sure I paced myself so I didn't end up stinking drunk on the bathroom floor. Derek isn't drinking, which I find to be weird. Why go to a party if you don't drink and you're not the designated driver? So I go, "Hey how come you're not drinking?" And he tells me something about how his liver is all fucked up so he can't drink very much. Fair enough. Still. I don't like the way he holds himself and the way he looks at people. Like he's better than them.
He asks me if I want to go outside and share a smoke with him and seeing as I forgot my cigarettes I agree. It's a lot quieter outside and a little chilly and I wrap myself in a blanket that's on the balcony couch, and make myself comfortable. He sits next to me, closer than I would like, but I don't say anything.
This is where the shocker comes.
It started with small talk, he told me what music he likes, what school he went to, and his work. I was teasing him for wearing a jacket that cost $80 because Lord knows I would never spend that much money on just a jacket. I can't figure out WHY someone would spend that much money on a piece of clothing, so I ask him and I get an answer I didn't expect at all.
His whole body language changed from cocky and assured of himself to embarrassed! He looked down at his feet for a second and when he made eye contact with me...I don't know it was weird. I realized the cocky thing was a front the whole time. He told me about his acceptance issues which I'm sure anyone can understand. I don't feel like going into details about his problems, not really my place. Being rejected isn't exactly a walk in the park, so of course I understand. The more we talked the more his cocky front started to crumble until the wall was almost completely gone. I realized that he's actually...a nice guy. How could I have been so quick to judge? I said horrible things about him! And he's nice!
"You know, you're really different, Becki. Seriously I have never met anyone like you before."
and he was looking at his feet again when he said this. People have told me this before, my personality is waaaay the fuck out there. I don't dress like anyone else, I don't act or sound like anyone else.... But for some reason having him say it made me feel more different than usual. Like I should be proud of how different I am.
I'm still dumbfounded at the fact that he's not a douche-aroonie. I was so sure that he was just like my exboyfriend. Totally cocky and wants me for sex. But I was beyond wrong. Hahaha it's kind of like pride and prejudice. Where she's like "Mr. Darcy is an asshole!" And then she sees who he really is and she's all, "Wow I was an idiot." That's how I feel right now!
So the party ended up going a lot better than I thought it would. I stayed up all night and watched the sunrise with Alex. I talked with Derek more and got to know him, I'm so relieved that he's not an asshole. RobertBFF got really trashed and passed out in the dog bed which made me laugh soooo hard. :D Haha!
So yeah.
Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Or men, for that matter.
We have to stop at the gas station because Preston is complaining that all he's eaten today is a jelly donut. Everyone but me gets out of the car. I'll stay right here, thanks. Now I don't even know if I want to drink tonight because Derek is here. Preston gets himself some food and when Derek climbs back into the car he's carrying a Rockstar and what looks like...wait a second you're fucking kidding me. Are those condoms?! And now I'm getting really ticked off inside. I just stare outside the window to ignore his flirtatious glances.
We pull up to the apartment and everyone is reeeaaaddy to party. Except me. I'm thinking I might just hang out with Alex, (she's a sweetheart) and ignore men forever and ever. I climb out of the car first and then Derek. When he gets out, one of the square packages falls out of his lap onto the pavement. I pretend I didn't see it so then I don't bring this situation into an awkward conversation. But Preston goes, "Hey dude, you gonna pick that up?" Derek goes, "Ah, no it's garbage." Wait. Garbage? Wtf? It's not like he used a condom in the car!! And I look on the ground and realize that it's some kind of protein shake powder or something of that effect. Of course, I scold myself. Those weren't condoms! I'm such a fucking idiot! I'm sooo glad I didn't say anything though. That would have been fucking beyond awkward. It's just a protein powder that he mixed with his rockstar. God damn it I'm an idiot.
Now, I'm not like bitchy or anything. I decide that I'm going to have a good night no matter what. And if Derek tries anything with me, I can always sock him in the face. Or have Robert regulate, or have Preston regulate. Or even Alex! I got friends that have my back! :)
We go inside, introductions to everyone is made...and the drinking commences.
I took a shot of Captain Morgan and felt like someone had straight up kicked me in the chest so I made sure I paced myself so I didn't end up stinking drunk on the bathroom floor. Derek isn't drinking, which I find to be weird. Why go to a party if you don't drink and you're not the designated driver? So I go, "Hey how come you're not drinking?" And he tells me something about how his liver is all fucked up so he can't drink very much. Fair enough. Still. I don't like the way he holds himself and the way he looks at people. Like he's better than them.
He asks me if I want to go outside and share a smoke with him and seeing as I forgot my cigarettes I agree. It's a lot quieter outside and a little chilly and I wrap myself in a blanket that's on the balcony couch, and make myself comfortable. He sits next to me, closer than I would like, but I don't say anything.
This is where the shocker comes.
It started with small talk, he told me what music he likes, what school he went to, and his work. I was teasing him for wearing a jacket that cost $80 because Lord knows I would never spend that much money on just a jacket. I can't figure out WHY someone would spend that much money on a piece of clothing, so I ask him and I get an answer I didn't expect at all.
His whole body language changed from cocky and assured of himself to embarrassed! He looked down at his feet for a second and when he made eye contact with me...I don't know it was weird. I realized the cocky thing was a front the whole time. He told me about his acceptance issues which I'm sure anyone can understand. I don't feel like going into details about his problems, not really my place. Being rejected isn't exactly a walk in the park, so of course I understand. The more we talked the more his cocky front started to crumble until the wall was almost completely gone. I realized that he's actually...a nice guy. How could I have been so quick to judge? I said horrible things about him! And he's nice!
"You know, you're really different, Becki. Seriously I have never met anyone like you before."
and he was looking at his feet again when he said this. People have told me this before, my personality is waaaay the fuck out there. I don't dress like anyone else, I don't act or sound like anyone else.... But for some reason having him say it made me feel more different than usual. Like I should be proud of how different I am.
I'm still dumbfounded at the fact that he's not a douche-aroonie. I was so sure that he was just like my exboyfriend. Totally cocky and wants me for sex. But I was beyond wrong. Hahaha it's kind of like pride and prejudice. Where she's like "Mr. Darcy is an asshole!" And then she sees who he really is and she's all, "Wow I was an idiot." That's how I feel right now!
So the party ended up going a lot better than I thought it would. I stayed up all night and watched the sunrise with Alex. I talked with Derek more and got to know him, I'm so relieved that he's not an asshole. RobertBFF got really trashed and passed out in the dog bed which made me laugh soooo hard. :D Haha!
So yeah.
Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Or men, for that matter.
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