Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Research on True Love: IN PROGRESS

"Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."
- Mark Twain

The research on True Love is under way! And yes, I've done lots of research because it's been on my mind. A LOT.

1 Cor. 13 4-8 "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Love will last forever..."

That's pretty upfront and straight to the point. My favorite is 'Love does not demand its own way'. For real real.
I still have more study I need to do with the bible. You have no idea how many times the word 'love' shows up in the bible.

If you ask Etta James what true love is...from her song At Last, she'll say:
"My lonely days are over. And life is like a song."

"Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more." - Erica Jong

"Love is friendship set on fire." - unknown

"To love another person is to see the face of god." -- Les Miserables

"So many definitions and not one answers the question." -unknown

"Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to." -unknown

I asked a few other people too. :)
"True love is... when person You love also love You."

"true love is ... A devastating wave... A sweet and bitter candy... A moment and an eternity... The way I sometimes look at you ... The blossoming feeling when I know we are just about to kiss.. My feeling when I see you leave... My joy when I can touch your skin once again... When I hear you laughing.. The way I felt on the first hour of our child... A scar that won't ever really disapear... The ability to forget and forgive, without knowing it ... A madness... and a blessing ... You ?" -Clay

I'm not true love.
But the rest of the answer, I agree with. More than most answers, actually.

"True love is when you're willing to do anything for that person, even look past their faults and learn to love them entirely." -sk8rchik96

I love her. haha.

"I don't know. True love to me is the same as apparitions, UFOs or Bigfeets. I have not personally seen or experienced these things but I do believe they exist and I have my own personal opinions about them (I also lump long term relationship under true love). If you ever do find out please journal it, I want to know! I want to believe" -Foxtrot
I guess a lot of the time I feel the same way. I've experienced love. I've been IN love. True love...sometimes I wonder if it's the same as a UFO.

"It's hard to put into words. I really don't know how. It's something you have to feel to understand... It'll be worth the wait... I promise you. The best feeling in the world." -Sean

"You feel happy just being the two of you together, as if you could spend eternity with them, throughout thick and thin. Almost like no one else seems as if they could take their place."
-Jordan (not egg head ex boyfriend)

"When you care for and love someone so much that it doesn't matter if they feel the same way. It doesn't even matter if they're in love with someone else. All that matters is that the person they are calls to your heart so much you wish them happy. No matter what that other person does, they can never hurt you because you love them so much. By my definition, Jesus had true love for humanity." -Jonathan

I told him that was one of the best answers I ever heard. He said,

"Well I like to think that you have to find someone that unlocks that holy, saint-like side of you. Someone who not only makes you selfless, but forces you to remove yourself from the equation completely. You only think of them and not about what you would lose or gain if they left or stayed. You just love them. There is no pain, no guilt, no envy. Only love."
Damn. I want THAT.

I know. It's a lot of reading material, I'm sorry. Sometimes I just want to make sure it's possible. I want to be certain that my dream could come true. Maybe. One day.


  1. Becki it truly is confusing.. but I think that's the beauty of it, it consists of confusion and communication with tints of fun adventures and stupidity all in one.
    I've dated my share of guys..some ass holes.. others just didn't click.
    Love will find you when you least expect it to. It found me at my friends funeral (kinda creepy huh?)
    I love Love and hate it just as much but only because I fear losing it once I have it. It's conspiracy terrifies me, but I believe some people have to take risks and go through a lot before realizing what it truly is to one.


  2. Once again, I love this. So much. What you're doing. All the opinions and quotes and responses. I can assure you this is beneficial to others as well, including myself. And - from what I've heard - repeatedly, is that you don't have to be looking for it. It finds you. Only when you want it so bad, it's hard not to keep an eye out. I've come to find that it's actually almost comically ironic, actually - the fact that finding love is NOT actually the struggle. Love finds us all on its own, we don't have to look for it. The struggle is actually maintaining the patience to wait for it, and trying to make ourselves stop thinking about when it will come. The struggle is trying to chill out while we're waiting. Cause we know it's coming. We just want it NOW.

  3. What a beautiful blog my beautiful niece! And such wonderful comments. Love is a lot of things to a lot of people... but to me... love simply is. It is what remains when all else evaporates into it's purity.

    It exists in your heart... and I can feel it. Share it... Love is not like anything else... the more you give it away... the more it comes back to you!

  4. Your quest is a remarkable one. I began writing in 1999, and from that beginning to the time I began blogging in 2008 I had acquired quite the collection of emotional distresses over love. Of all my writing it is the only work that I have hesitancies letting others read. Scattered throughout my blog are selected poems from that battered 3" binder (labeled: 'originally written in...') and even those were embarassing for me to release.

    Keep on looking and props to your blogging nature of emotional defiance. I see it as a challenge to a challenge, and one that is no doubt difficult for anyone to communicate. The mere fact that you share it for all the world is a reflection of your sincerity.

    I must say - always did enjoy your everyday-type report of the hot dog stand...
