Women can be pretty awful sometimes.
I went to Desert Star today with my mommy for a Mom Daughter date type thing. It was pretty fun. The actors were all hilarious! There was one thing that was suuuper bugging me though. There was this girl on stage. So jealous. [[T&S]] I hate her. God, she was fabulous.
She was absolutely gorgeous, talented, she was so natural on stage, and had a voice of an angel. If I was a dude I woulda been dumb struck for sure. Instead I just shot daggers at her from my eyes. Haha. It just sucks. I bet she doesn't ever sweat. And if she did, it probably smells like...like...I don't know but it would smell like the best smell ever. She could go to the gym, sweat her pretty smelling sweat, and still look like a super model. In sweat pants. With her hair pulled back. SHE WOULD STILL BE A TOTAL SKINNY BABE.
And it sucks because I straightened my hair the other day. Wanna know how long it took me? Two and a half hours. So I look BITCHIN. I look pretty good. Then I see her and I'm like....oh well I guess I look okay...... She was like a goddess and I could be one of her maidservants. Damn it. She has probably never taken a shit in her life. I'm cute. I'm quirky. But I'm not goddess material.

And THEN. There's this girl I know who is always like 'OMG I AM SOOO FAT!' And she's smaller than me. What the fuck? Yeah, I know it's a warped sense of self and what not but come on! How do you think that makes me feel?! I weigh a whopping [not so whopping, actually]] 115 pounds. I'm not as skinny as that sounds because I'm super short, but I'm good sized. I try so hard to be comfortable with my appearance, I try hard to be grateful for what God has given me. But if he wants to be happy with myself why would he shove a girl like that in my face and be like, "Yeeeaaah, you'll never have her legs." I have pale, pasty skin, so what? At least I'm not orange from going to the tanning salon. I just hate it. Women and girls that complain about their looks make it harder for me to appreciate mine. I know it shouldn't be that way, but that's the honest to God truth right there.
So here I am, Negative Nancy Becki. I might just kick back in my ugly ex-boyfriends pajama pants and smoke cigarettes to myself while I listen to Tegan and Sara, feel comfortable in my imperfect body, forgetting the world for awhile.
She was absolutely gorgeous, talented, she was so natural on stage, and had a voice of an angel. If I was a dude I woulda been dumb struck for sure. Instead I just shot daggers at her from my eyes. Haha. It just sucks. I bet she doesn't ever sweat. And if she did, it probably smells like...like...I don't know but it would smell like the best smell ever. She could go to the gym, sweat her pretty smelling sweat, and still look like a super model. In sweat pants. With her hair pulled back. SHE WOULD STILL BE A TOTAL SKINNY BABE.
And it sucks because I straightened my hair the other day. Wanna know how long it took me? Two and a half hours. So I look BITCHIN. I look pretty good. Then I see her and I'm like....oh well I guess I look okay...... She was like a goddess and I could be one of her maidservants. Damn it. She has probably never taken a shit in her life. I'm cute. I'm quirky. But I'm not goddess material.
This is me and my mommy.
And my long hairs. :)
And my long hairs. :)
And THEN. There's this girl I know who is always like 'OMG I AM SOOO FAT!' And she's smaller than me. What the fuck? Yeah, I know it's a warped sense of self and what not but come on! How do you think that makes me feel?! I weigh a whopping [not so whopping, actually]] 115 pounds. I'm not as skinny as that sounds because I'm super short, but I'm good sized. I try so hard to be comfortable with my appearance, I try hard to be grateful for what God has given me. But if he wants to be happy with myself why would he shove a girl like that in my face and be like, "Yeeeaaah, you'll never have her legs." I have pale, pasty skin, so what? At least I'm not orange from going to the tanning salon. I just hate it. Women and girls that complain about their looks make it harder for me to appreciate mine. I know it shouldn't be that way, but that's the honest to God truth right there.
So here I am, Negative Nancy Becki. I might just kick back in my ugly ex-boyfriends pajama pants and smoke cigarettes to myself while I listen to Tegan and Sara, feel comfortable in my imperfect body, forgetting the world for awhile.
Even though you really are as pretty as can be, I gotta say your true beauty lies in the words you write and the pictures you take. Just remember, while you're on that end wishing you were better, I'm on this end thinking you are perfect. Smile Becki Jacket, you are a gorgeous gift to this planet.