Monday, December 13, 2010

I know what it's like

To be sick.
I know what it's like to feel ugly.
I know how it feels to hate being in my own skin.
I know how it feels having those demons inside of me.

I'm worried about a complete stranger.

I had some pretty bad nightmares last night.
Stress has returned and with it comes ulsters. :(

It's so hard to be myself these days.

1 comment:

  1. I know what it's like to have all these things inside of me...

    ...and to feel a hand descend into my soul to lift me up.

    The demons aren't inside you, little one. They may surround you, but the spark in your soul is greater.

    Be patient... and know that energies are around you to protect you, and lift you while you sleep.

    Sat Nam and Namaste... I recognize the light within you. Recognize it yourself.
