It's been awhile. Not like lots of people read my blogs. Dave said it's good for me though. :) So...moving on from Eldon is pretty hard. Did we really only last 5 months? Damn. I thought for sure we'd last a lot longer than that! I used to be able to see us getting married and stuff. You know. The whole, making babies. i kiss him on the cheek as he leaves for work. hand him his lunch and his briefcase. Say, "Have a good day at work, hun." Then when he gets home from work I'll jump his bones. HAHA just kidding that's not what i was going to say. What i was going to say was when he gets home from work, I'll give him another kiss and say, "How was work?" And he'll probably say, "Ugh, it was horrible. My neck is so sore." And then I'll reply, "Well i have your favorite in the oven. Meat loaf!" I don't know who the lucky guy is gonna be, but he better like meat loaf! My best friend Robert has been extremely helpful throughout these past two weeks that have been really hard for me. Luckily i didn't do anything extremely stupid. Just kinda. I don't really feel like explaining what it is here, but Eldon was disappointed. BLAH! Boys suck anyways. They don't shower enough. Hmmm...any other updates...currently looking for a job...and having no luck.
OH! Funny story. I'll try to make it quick.
Okay so it was Robert, Samson, Trever, Emma, and Me hanging out. We decided to go to Denny's and pretend that we were a touring heavy metal band from England. Things did NOT go as planned. Samson, who is actually from Scotland and has an incredible accent, faked spilling his coffee and yelled, "GODDAMMIT!" in a scottish accent. It was hilarious. And he said his accent comes out better if he's angry, so he turns around in the booth and starts staring down these two guys in a booth across the diner. He's hoping they'll flip him off or confront him to make him mad. Instead, the two men lean over and kiss, freaking Samson out. Samson whirls at Trever and goes,"SEE?! I wouldn't be so freaked if you hadn't made all those homo jokes on the way here!" We're all laughing at the whole spilled coffee and gay couple incident, when a young girl walks in and sits in the booth by us, all by herself. Samson is up to no good of course, leans across the table and says, "Watch this. I'm going to hit on that girl." He turns around in the booth and goes, "Hey. How's it goin?" When all of a sudden, a large black man walks into the diner towards us...and sits down with the girl who happened to be his girlfriend. BUSTED! Samson apologizes and he turns around to Robert and says in a very low voice, "Why didn't you say anything?!" But robert couldn't say anything. He was laughing so hard he was smashing his face on the table and started tearing up. Samson is a little freaked at the moment. "You guys! It's not funny! I'm gonna get shot!"
I don't think anyone at the diner believed we were from England. They probably all just thought we were obnoxious teenagers. Which we are. :)
That's all for now. It's been real!
I would recommend self-defense lessons or a more reserved attitude if you can't finish what you start. Or safety in numbers works well also. Maybe befriending some bikers. I would hate for this blog to turn into an Obituary page.