Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I kind of hate birthdays now. Especially my own.
It seems like every year something goes wrong. Last year, my ex decided to tell me that he was in love with another girl. Remember that? So this year I'm thinkin, hey! I'm going to Lagoon for my birthday! That way I for sure have some fun! BUT NO.
Lagoon's fucking closed tomorrow so I can't go on my birthday and I can't go Saturday because I work.

Anyways. Quick story.
I'm at work. Grilling up the hot dogs as usual.
This mom and her little four year old son walk out of the store. The little boy is going, "EEEEW! Ew mommy! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!"
His mom doesn't want to offend me with her son saying 'ew' about hot dogs or whatever. So she looks over and she says, "It's actually not the hot dogs. I just told him I'm pregnant and it freaked him out a bit."
I start laughing when the little boy says, "EW MOMMY GET THE BABY OUT OF YOUR TUMMY!"

Ahaha. Little kids are freakin awesome.

And then the day before at work, I'm lighting the grill, I hear a FWOOP sound and then I smell burned hair. I burned off all the little hairs on my hand and arms.
The grill at work is a little scary.


  1. If you don't like birthdays now, wait until you turn 50! I had a zit on my nose to celebrate my 50th birthday! And if I'd have gone to Lagoon, I would have had to sit on one of them old people benches and watch the bulga whales go around with them little kids in it, cause them new rides... well, just watching them makes me want to throw up!

  2. I hated my birthday up until probably two years ago. I always hated having the expectation that "this year my birthday will be different," then it never was. Its the same reason I hate New Years Day and Christmas, pretty much any holiday. There always has to be some kind of drama or disappointment no matter what I do. Hence the move to Oregon. I am super happy here.
